Alternative Uses For Baby Oil
Using baby oil will not only soften and replace moisture, but you can gently give your baby a warm massage. There are many other wonderful uses for this type of oil. You do not have to be a baby to use oil, and here are some alternative uses for baby oil.
One of its great uses is for moisturizing your skin. However, it is also great to be used as massage oil. It is warming to the skin and very relaxing. When you are using it for massage oil, you are also moisturizing your skin.
It keeps in the moisture better than a lot of lotions. Some massage oils are heavily fragranced with irritating chemicals. Baby oil is hypoallergenic and is made with natural ingredients that will not cause your skin to become itchy or red.
You can also use it as an organic cleaning product in your home. You can polish leather material such as on a pair of shoes or handbags. Other household uses for this, are for polishing wood furniture, stainless steel, and chrome appliances.
You just use a soft wash cloth with a few drops of the oil on it to polish items and furniture around your home. It can be used as a cleaning product and is great for wiping down shower doors in the bathroom. It helps to remove soap scum and other residue.
At some time or another you have probably found your jewelry tangled together or have had small chains end up in knots. You can use baby oil to untangle jewelry by dropping a few drops on the jewelry to untangle it.
It is also great to fix zippers as well. Some zippers can get stuck or can be hard to zip up or down. You do not have to throw out another pair of expensive jeans or a handbag because of a stuck zipper. Simply put the oil on the zipper and it should be easy to use.
It is great for a beauty product. You can use it to wipe off makeup such as eye shadow, mascara, and eye liner. It easily wipes off makeup without irritating your skin. In addition, it is great for shaving. If you have sensitive skin or suffer from razor burn, using baby oil instead of soap or shaving cream will stop the burn and irritation.